diy hand knit hedgehog mittens

diy hand knit hedgehog mittens

Oh boy. It really doesn't get much cuter! Your toddler stays warm while entertaining themselves curling their hands into fists making their hedgehogs curl up and uncurl. It's just too freaking fantastic! 

hedgehog mittens The Only Jenny

I've had a lot of people love on this design but it can get a bit spendy for me to make them. So in light of the holiday season I would like to offer you this free pattern. Go knit some hedgehogs! Or go make friends with a knitting grandma! <3


hedgehog mittens The Only Jenny

Directions: TIP -  For help with unknown techniques or difficult stitches I like to use the expertise of Very Pink Knits on YouTube.


  1. CO 18 sts

  2. work in rib stitch ((k1, p1)) for the next 12 rows.

  3. beginning with a knit row, work in stockinette stitch ((Knit one row, Purl one row)) for 38 rows.


  1. Decrease stitches for the next 7 rows. Beginning on a knit row you'll continue the stockinette stitch but you will k2tog at the beginning and end of each knit row. You'll p2tog at the beginning and end of each purl row. Ending with a Knit row.

  2. Purl one row.

  3. Knit one row.

  4. Purl one row.

  5. Increase stitches for the next 7 rows. Beginning on a knit row you'll work in stockinette stitch adding a stitch after the 1st Knit and before the last Knit sts on knit rows. You'll also add a stitch after the first Purl and before the last Purl sts on purl rows. Ending with a Knit row.

  6. Purl one row.

  7. Knit one row.

  8. Purl one row.


Time to create quills!

  1. K1, CO3, BO3, repeat to end of Knit row.

  2. Purl row.

  3. K2, CO3, BO3, repeat to end of the row.

  4. Purl row.

  • ((REPEAT quill pattern for 38 rows or until quill section measures the same as your initial stockinette stitch section - about 4 inches.))

  1. work in rib stitch ((k1, p1)) for the next 12 rows.

  2. BO leaving a LONG tail for sewing mitten together.


You can probably see now how you will fold the piece in half to create the mitten. The quill side is the back side of the hand. The smooth side is the palm side. The pointier part in the very center of the fold will be the Hedgehogs face. You just need to add a little pazazz.

  1. On the very center sew on a nose with your embroidery floss. Tie off on the inside where it won't be seen.

  2. sew on the button eyes where you like them. Also tying off on the inside.


Now simply sew the mitten together up each long side using the long tails from your cast on and bind off. Tuck in tails. You're done! Now go make a second mitten. 

hedgehog mittens The Only Jenny

Please let me know if you need any help with the pattern! Have fun crafting but only use this pattern for yourself and to knit gifts for friends and family. Do not sell any part of the instructions, pattern, or finished mittens. Thank you! 

xoxo Jenny

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