The Only Jenny

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diy bunny tail

Easter is coming! These cute little bunny tails are so cute and so easy to make. They attach to any outfit! Too cute out on the Easter egg hunt or at an Easter photo shoot. Scroll down for directions and material list.

Supplies needed:



  • 6 inch width (bought from a yard) of white faux fur in very short pile or if you can find it, furry felt (craft quality fur) works the best. I found some at Joann Fabrics.
  • A small piece of white flat felt.
  • A small pin back
  • white tread
  • polyester stuffing
  • hot glue and a hot glue gun
  • Sewing needle to hand sew or a sewing machine 
  • scissors and (optional) pinking sheers if you have them.




  • Fold your furry felt or faux fur with right sides together in a square at one end. You will have extra fabric... you can probably make a couple tails!
  • Cut out a circle out of both layers of fabric. I use a pattern that is a 5 inch circle. I also use my pinking sheers to cut the circle pieces of fabric. If you are using regular scissors, that's fine just go back and cut notches out all the way around the circles so that when you turn them later they are smooth.
  • Sew the two fur circles together leaving an inch and a half open for turning.
  • Turn the tail right side out and stuff very firmly with poly stuffing. Sew opening closed. Sometimes at this point I squeeze the tail into more of a grapefruit shape so it's not deflated looking.
  • Choose a side to be the back of the tail and hand sew on a small oval piece of flat felt, maybe 2 inches in length... large enough to be just bigger than your pin back. Sew it to the back centered but toward the top. This helps stabilize your tail and helps it hang better. (you can see in my first version photos here that I used white flannel instead of felt and it was too lightweight and the tail hung a little awkwardly)
  • Cut another small piece of felt. This time in a tiny square that can fit over the pin back bar, under the actual pin...
  • Hot glue the pin back to the felt oval. Press it down so that glue comes up through the holes in the bar, place your small square of felt over the bar and into that excess glue. Make sure you can latch your pin in place. Trim away any excess felt that is in the way.

You're done! 

Note: Make sure you remove the tail before your child will be sitting in the car. It would be a shame to smash the pin and end up with a potential poke hazard.

We attached our bunny tails to some simple diy tulle tu-tu's we made. If you need instructions for a tu-tu just ask and I'll write those out for you. There are tons of that diy floating around the web though!

Please let me know if you need any help with the pattern! Have fun crafting but only use this pattern for yourself and to create gifts for friends and family. Do not sell any part of the instructions, pattern, or finished bunny tails. Thank you! 

xoxo Jenny